Waratah Campus is part of Callaghan College, a community of three school campuses catering for Year 7 to 12 students.
Our Year 7 to Year 10 students attend our Waratah and Wallsend campuses, with our senior students in Year 11 and 12 attending Jesmond Senior Campus.
This is why our College motto is Collaborating to Empower Learners as all three campuses work together to enhance our students' learning experience.
The College has approximately 2300 students with more than 300 staff. Because of our unique College model, our students have access to a diverse range of activities – from whole of College music, dance and drama productions and sporting carnivals, to enrichment programs in STEM, CAPA, Humanities, Sport and Technology. We also offer cultural activities, circus club, cross fit, art club, public speaking, debating and so much more.
Callaghan College
Is the overarching body that links the three campuses and where you can access all three campus websites, see Callaghan College website.
Waratah Campus
Is our middle school campus here on Turton Rd Waratah which caters for Year 7 to 10 students. Explore our website to find out what we offer.
Wallsend Campus
Caters for Years 7 to 10 students. For more information on what their campus offers visit the Wallsend Campus website.
Jesmond Senior Campus
Caters for Years 11 and 12 students. For more information on what the campus offers to visit the Jesmond Senior Campus website.
Callaghan Education Pathways - a pathway for every child
Callaghan College is also part of Callaghan Education Pathways, a community of educators for the ongoing benefit of our students. We have 15 partner primary schools and an academic partnership with the University of Newcastle, which together, makes up our Callaghan Education Pathways collaborative.
This active collaboration across our primary, secondary and tertiary environments provides a smooth transition to empower all our students during each step of their education experience.
Driven by the principals across all 18 schools, Callaghan Education Pathways (CEP) provides a Kindergarten to Year 12 and beyond learning pathway for every child. It provides a range of initiatives from K-12, including projects in Literacy, Creative and Performing Arts and cultural programs.
Students from across the 18 schools also come together to showcase and celebrate learning, including the CEP Education Week Awards, the CEP NAIDOC event and the Digital Media Festival.
Our partner primary schools are:
Glendore Public School, Hamilton North Public School, Heaton Public School, Islington Public School, Jesmond Public School, Mayfield East Public School, Mayfield West Demonstration School, Minmi Public School, Plattsburg Public School, Shortland Public School, Tighes Hill Public School, Wallsend Public School, Waratah Public School, Waratah West Public School, and the Wetlands Centre.