Callaghan College Waratah Campus

Collaborating to empower learners

Telephone02 4968 1939

Supporting English language learners

Our English as an additional language or dialect (EALD) team is comprised of specialist EAL/D teachers who work with students from a variety of non-English speaking and culturally diverse backgrounds. In our Intensive English Classes (IEC), EAL/D trained staff work with newly arrived students who require additional, intensive English language support. These classes focus on developing students' speaking, writing and reading skills in English. EAL/D staff also work with students at higher levels of English in acquiring academic language skills in English for success in the high school curriculum.

Our campus also has 3 Student Learning Support Officers (SLSO) who are bilingual in Arabic, Farsi, Dari, Congolese, Kinyarwanda and Kirundi, helping to support students and families in the transition to school and life in Australia. Our Community Liaison Officer also engages with EAL/D students and families in connecting to a range of local activities and wellbeing supports in the area.

Multicultural education

Our school welcomes students, families and community members from all cultural backgrounds. We appreciate difference and diversity and aim to provide a culturally inclusive and responsive environment that benefits all students.

Our teaching and learning programs develop intercultural understanding, promote positive relationships and enable all students to participate as active Australian and global citizens. Our school fosters student wellbeing and community harmony by implementing anti-racism and anti-discrimination strategies that encourage engagement by parents and carers from all backgrounds.

The Multicultural Education Policy outlines the NSW Department of Education’s commitment to providing opportunities that enable all students to achieve equitable education and social outcomes and participate successfully in our culturally diverse society.

The Anti-Racism Policy confirms the department’s commitment to rejecting all forms of racial discrimination in NSW public schools and eliminating expressions of racism in its learning and working environments.

For more information refer to:

Supporting English language learners

Learning English is essential for success at school and effective participation in Australian society. We can provide specialist support to help students learning English as an additional language or dialect (EAL/D).

For more information refer to: EAL/D education.

Supporting refugee students

Schools offer safety, support and security to help refugee students adjust to life in Australia and participate successfully in education. Targeted support strategies are provided to assist refugee students in NSW public schools.

For more information refer to: Supporting refugee students.

At Waratah, we provide a number of services and link with various agencies to provide targeted support for students from refugee and refugee-like backgrounds. We have a strong partnership with Northern Settlement Services, who run a dedicated Homework Centre for EAL/D and refugee students at the school every week. We also provide additional homework support throughout the year for refugee students with specialist EAL/D staff.

Capoeira Angola

In partnership with STARTTS, the school delivers a weekly Project Bantu Capoeira Angola Program to students from refugee and migrant backgrounds. Project Bantu aims to improve physical fitness, encourage teamwork, promote positive social interaction and boost self-esteem for participants, many of whom are facingunique challenges in integrating into a new culture, community and school.