Callaghan College Waratah Campus

Collaborating to empower learners

Telephone02 4968 1939

Frequently Asked Questions

Parents' FAQs

Parents and carers are asked to pay a small general contribution to support the programs offered at the Campus. The general contribution funds are used to purchase library books, offset the cost of printing, and for additional learning resources. These can be paid in person at our Administration Office or online via our website. Eftpos is available.

Certain elective subjects have additional costs that are charged as separate fees. This covers the additional cost of resources for these subjects. Students are informed before they choose these electives, so that you have a chance to consider the financial commitment associated with these subjects. 

Payments can be made online via the school website, or in person at our Administration office. EFTPOS is available onsite.

Callaghan College participates in the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program from Year 7 to Year 12. This means all students need to bring a personal learning device (e.g. laptop, or similar) to school to support their learning. The laptop does not need to be fancy. For more information visit Technology and online learning.

Waratah Campus isintroducing a new uniform range in 2022. It will be phased in over 3 years. For all the details visit our uniform page.

For access, visit our Sentral information for parents.

Visit our canteen

Please direct your concerns to your child's Classroom Teacher or faculty Head Teacher as a starting point. If the issue is still not resolved, you may choose to make an appointment with one of our learning key contacts or a Deputy Principal. If you're unsure who to speak to, our Administration staff can direct you to the right person. All staff are contactable via our Administration Office on (02) 4968 1939.

Please direct your conerns to your child's Year Advisor as a starting point. If the issue is not resolved, you may choose to make an appointment with our Head Teacher Wellbeing or one of our Deputy Principals. If you're unsure who to speak with, our Administration Staff can direct you to the most appropriate person. All staff are contactable via our Administration Office on (02) 4968 1939.

(For students) What do I do if...

If you arrive after the bell at 8:50am go straight to the Administration Office and swipe in with your Student ID card.  You will be given a late note which you take to your class.  Parents/Carers are required to write a note to explain the reason for lateness.

Inform your teacher and they will write you a note to go to the Administration Office.  If you are too unwell to be at school, the Administration staff will contact your Parents/Carers to come and pick you up. Please do not phone your parents from your mobile to arrange to be picked up as it’s important you get signed out at the Office for your leave. 

Ask our Administration Office staff for a Request to Administer Prescribed Medication at School Form. Your parents/carers must sign and complete this form detailing what medication you require,  the dosage and the times of the day you need to take this medication. Please return the completed form with the medication to the Administration Office. Medication must be in original packaging with your name and dosage required clearly labelled.

Paracetamol or any other analgesics cannot be dispensed at school, unless prescribed by a doctor.

Please stay home to rest and recuperate, this will also prevent illness spreading at school. Your parent or carer will need to inform the school of your absence via a text message, phone call, email or letter on your return to school.

Go to the school website and access your student portal.  This will allow you access to your timetable.

Any teacher will help you, ask other students or make your way to the Administration Office for assistance.

Bring a note from your Parent/Carer and take it to the Administration Office before school. You will be given an Early Leavers pass to show your teacher at the time you need to leave.

Check to see if it has been handed in at the Administration Office.  If something valuable has been lost or stolen, tell your Year Advisors or Deputy Principal.

You will be lent a school uniform for the day. Go to Uniform Check during roll call after your name is marked. This is usually located at the back of the hall during roll call. If roll call is in another location, go to the Uniform Clinic that is situated near the Administration Office to borrow a uniform to wear.  You will need to return the borrowed uniform at the end of the day.

If you are delayed by a previous teacher, ask them for a note explaining your lateness.  Unexplained lateness will result in time made up during break times.

Ask your class teacher for permission.  If your teacher gives you permission, they will give you a note or “out of class pass”.  You will then need to log the toilet pass ipad in the Deputy Principal office before accessing your year group's allocated toilet block. It is preferred that you try and go to the toilet during break times.

Fill in and pay for your order before school at the canteen. The canteen staff can assist you.

To collect your order, simply come to the back door of the canteen during recess or lunch. Pre-ordering saves you lining up and ensures you get the food 

Bring a note from your Parent/Carer and give it to your teacher at the beginning of the lesson.

Talk to your teacher, explaining the reason you require an extension. We encourage you to have this conversation well before the task due date. You should also bring a note from your Parent/Carer supporting your request. The policy guidelines regarding extensions are outlined in the front of your Assessment Schedule Book which you will receive in Term 1.

Our Administrative Office staff treat students with minor injuries. More serious injuries are referred to medical personal. Contact will be made with your parents should you need to go home or require urgent medical attention. Our Deputy Principals or Principal are also informed of all accidents occurring at school.

Mobile Phones should only be brought to school if absolutely necessary. They need to be kept on silent and in your bag or locker during class time. As with other personal belongings, your phone is your responsibility. Phones that are misused will be confiscated and returned at the end of the school day. 

Bullying is never ok. We have active policies and procedures that are used to safeguard all our students. Please speak to a trusted teacher or your Year Adviser as a starting point.