Canvas is our online learning management system. Students use Canvas to access classwork, assessment tasks, calendars, assessment grades and teacher feedback for each of their subjects. Parents and carers can also connect to this information as a Canvas observer.
Canvas Observer Instructions:
- Go to the Callaghan College Waratah Campus website
- On the homepage scroll down and click on the Canvas Parents link under Parent Access.
- If you don’t have an account yet click forgot password. In the login field enter the email address you have registered with the school. You will be sent an email to reset or create your new Canvas password.
- Once your password is reset click back on the Canvas Parents link on the homepage of the school website and enter your username (email registered with the school) and password.
- When logged in you should be able to view your child's courses, including lessons and assignments.
If you are experiencing issues with logging in or viewing your child's learning, please click on the red link below and complete the form to notify our Technology Team of the issue.