Extracurricular dance
This goup is open to dancers of all abilities from Year 7-10 and provides students with the opportunity to be part of small ensemble performances at school events.
Information about upcoming performances will be posted through announcements on Canvas and students who nominate to take part will need to participate in lunch time rehearsals to prepare. No audition is required to take part.
Star Struck
Our School is a proud supporter of Star Struck. We have been participating in the show for over 15 years. Star Struck is open to all students in Year 7-10 however acceptance to this group is through an audition process.
Auditions are held early in term 1 and are run through lunch breaks. Successful students will take part in performing and filming our official school audition video that is sent to the Star Struck team. If the school group is successful, Star Struck is held during Term 2.
Our School will audition the following groups:
- Stage 4 – Dance
- Stage 5 – Dance
- All Years Aboriginal Dance
Hunter Dance Festival
Students with a passion for dance also have the oppoortunity to audition for a spot in our Hunter Dance Festival Team. Auditions occur in term 2. Successful students will work towards developing and choregraphing a routine to film and submit to the Hunter Dance Festival Committee. If the school is successful, the Hunter Dance Festival is held early in term 3.
Aboriginal Performance Group
Our campus Aboriginal Peformance group provides students with the opportunity to choreograph and share routines which combine traditional and contemporary dance techniques. Students can participate in workshops, performances and excursions throughout the year (including Star Struck). Rehearsals occur weekly in the Drama Theatre. See Ms Freeman in CAPA for more information.