Forms for new students
Families of new students are required to complete a number of forms before your child commences at Waratah Campus. Please complete each online form listed below relevant to your child. If you prefer, you may request a hard copy of a form by contacting our School Administration Office.
Permission to participate in local walking excursions - use this form to indicate parent/carer consent for your child to participate in local walking excursions within a 1km radius from the school.
Laptops for learning user agreement form - To allow your child to participate in the Laptops for Learning program, please read through this form with your child and ensure they understand their responsibilities under this agreement.
Extra-curricular Code of Conduct Agreement - this agreement must be signed before your child can represent the school in external events or competitions. Please ensure your child understands the expectations and responsibilities that come with representing our school.
Prescribed Medications form - please complete this form if your child requires prescribed medication while at school or participating in a school activity.
Special Religious Education (SRE) participation form - use this form to indicate parent/carer consent for your child to participate in either Special Religious Education (SRE) or alternative activities provided by the school.
Permission for your child to view PG content at school form - use this form to indicate parent/carer consent for your child to view PG film content at school for educational purposes.
Permission to join Newcastle Regional Library network form - use this form to indicate parent/carer permission for the school to arrange membership of the Newcastle Regional Library network for your child. This membership will provide your child with access Studiosity, a free online homework assistance program, as well as Newcastle Library's range of eAudiobooks, eFilms and eMagazines.
School Opal card or travel pass application - use this form to apply for a School Opal card or travel pass for your child (if required).
If you are seeking to enrol your child at our school please refer to our enrolment page
Additional forms and downloads
- Update of Student Records - this form is to change an address or contact details
- Student refund - this form is to request a refund for a cancelled excursion or event
- Clearance of Leaver - this form is required when students are transferring to another high school
- Illness or Misadventure Form - this form is required if a student is prevented from attending an examination due to illness or unforseen misadventure
- Application for Exented leave, travel - this form is for families considering travel outside of school terms. Please note this leave will need to be approved by our school Prinicpal
- Permission to play rugby league and/or rugby union - This form serves as a continuous permission note for rugby league or rugby union trials, training and games throughout the year.
- Permission to publish form - use this form to indicate parent/carer consent for the school to publish photo or video content of your child in school publications (online and print).