Our whole school approach to learning and support ensures that the learning environment at Waratah is fully inclusive and that every student is supported to achieve their greatest potential.
Our Learning and Support Team works closely with teachers, students, parents and outside professionals to cater for the individual support needs of students.
Services provided by our Learning and Support team include:
- Assessment of student learning needs
- Targeted intervention programs e.g. literacy, numeracy, organisational skills
- In-class support
- The development of individual learning plans
- Emotional and behaviour intervention and support groups
- Advice for accessing internal and external professional support services
- Determining appropriate adjustments, including the modification of curriculum, assessment and exams
- Determining appropriate extension programs
- Determining appropriate extension programs for high achieving students
- Transition programs
- Professional development sessions to enhance teacher skills and understanding.
If your child is struggling or has concerns about their learning we encourage you to address these concerns early. Start with a conversation with your child - find out what they find challenging and what would make a difference for them.
We also encourage you to contact your child's Classroom Teachers and/or Year Advisors for support. Our Learning and Support Team are here to help for more complex issues, such as learning or wellbeing difficulties, diagnosis and/or disability.
If you would like to know more, or provide us with additional information to assist us in meeting your child's individual learning and support needs, please contact our Head Teacher Learning and Support for an appointment.
Further reading
NSW public schools are well prepared to support students with disability and additional learning and support needs and staff are ready to answer your questions.
Visit our Inclusive learning support hub for more information on: